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Code of Conduct


Brooke Gassert

Stephen Ramey

Amanda Wilson



Learning Scenario Group 6 will work to complete the group projects and objectives in OGL 340 with professionalism and integrity in a respectful, supportive and collaborative atmosphere.



All group members shall:

  • Respect the rights of others and treat members with dignity and respect, regardless of economic status, race, color, national or ethnic origin, language group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or ability.

  • Demonstrate honesty and integrity at all times.

  • Keep a positive attitude and support other group members.

  • Contribute within the group to the best of their ability.

  • Commit to uphold their share of group responsibilities and tasks on all assignments and complete tasks in a timely manner.

  • Remain receptive and respectful of the opinions, ideas, input and time of others.

  • Value teamwork, collaboration and discussion.

  • Offer criticism in a constructive manner that fosters the progress and growth of the group.

  • Keep lines of communication open and “check-in” with other group members on a regular basis; once every 48-72 hours is preferred or as required by an assignment.

  • Notify other group members if they need help with an assignment, task or project.

  • Notify other group members if they are unable to fulfill their roles, responsibilities or obligations to the group.

  • Be aware of project requirements, assignment due dates and group meeting times so projects can progress without delay.

  • Cite sources for all work submitted.









All group members shall:

  • Respect the privacy of other group members.

  • Not use language or behave in a manner that discriminates based on economic status, race, color, national or ethnic origin, language group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or ability.

  • Not threaten emotional or physical harm to another group member or act in a way that is derogatory or hateful to another individual.

  • Not plagiarize.

  • Adhere to the Arizona State University ABOR Student Code of Conduct.



If any group member is found to be in violation of these terms, other group members may report the violation to the group and the offender will be subject to the following reprimand:

  • The first instance of violation will require the offender to email the group, and copy Dr. Wallace, explaining the nature of their violation and how they will make corrections to ensure it does not repeat.

  • The second violation will result in removal from the group.



“Ubuntu Code of Conduct v2.0”. (n.d.). Ubuntu, Accessed August 27, 2016.


Parker, Anne, and Amanda Goldrick-Jones. "A Code of Ethics as a Collaborative Learning Tool: Comparing Face-to-Face Engineering Team and Multidisciplinary Online Teams." Colostate. Colorado State University, n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2016. 380-309


“Codes of Conduct”. Brainboxx, Accessed August 25, 2016.





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